Video: Trudeau called ‘scumbag’ at press conference

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was giving a press conference in Winnipeg earlier this afternoon when he was interrupted by a man calling him a scumbag. "Your carbon tax has failed, people know what you're up to. It is a tax on everything. Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on you and your globalist counterparts. … Continue reading Video: Trudeau called ‘scumbag’ at press conference

CBC: Trudeau’s State Broadcaster

So the CBC has officially become the state broadcaster for the Liberal Party of Canada. The CBC's latest Canada 150 series "Canada: The Story of Us" has a gross minute-long introduction by our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doing his pedantic and patronizing part-time drama teacher shtick in reading empty platitudes from a teleprompter. Here, watch … Continue reading CBC: Trudeau’s State Broadcaster

Western Provinces and Nova Scotia Given Disproportionately Less Canada 150 Grant Money Last Two Years

An analysis of Canadian Heritage's proactive disclosure of the distribution of Canada 150 grant money in the past two years shows the western provinces (Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia) and Nova Scotia have thus far received significantly smaller portions of overall grant money in comparison to their respective proportions of the national population. By the end of last … Continue reading Western Provinces and Nova Scotia Given Disproportionately Less Canada 150 Grant Money Last Two Years